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What is Real Estate Agent License?

A "real estate agent" means any person, who negotiates or represents other persons for transfer of a real estate property by way of sale to another person and receives remuneration or fees or any other charges for his services whether as commission. A real estate agent is also a person who introduces, through any medium, prospective buyers and sellers to each other for negotiation for sale or purchase of real estate property, as the case may be, and includes property dealers, brokers, middlemen etc.

Eligibility to become Real Estate Agent:-

1. You need to deposit of fees starts from 2 lakh onwards to take RERA license .You need multiple RERA registration if you are planning to work in different state . RERA is real estate regulatory authority .
2. You need good engine platform to generate leads online
3. You need to arrange inventory at ground to sell
4. Need good crm software to maintain database

Conditions/ Compliances for Real Estate Agent:-

1. Not to facilitate sale of unregistered property;
2. Due maintenance of books of accounts records and documents as provided under rule 14;
3. Avoid use of any unfair trade practices as enumerated under the rules assistance to enable the allottee and promoter to exercise their respective rights and fulfil their respective obligations at the time of booking and sale of any plot, apartment or building, as the case may be; and
4. Generally adhere by the provisions of the Act and the Rules.

Procedure for Real Estate Agent License:-

1. Every real estate agent, required to register, shall make an application in writing to the Authority established under RERA Form 'G', in triplicate, until the application procedure is made web based.

Documents required for Real Estate Agent License:-

1. Name, registered address, type of enterprise (proprietorship, societies, partnership, company etc.);
2. In case of a Real Estate Agency the particulars of incorporation including the bye-laws, MOA , AOA,
3. Name, Address, contact details and photograph of the real estate agent or director or Partners
4. the authenticated copy of the PAN card of the real estate agent;
5. the authenticated copy of the address proof of the place of business.