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What is Literature Or Dramatic Copyright?

Literature Copyright- Private Limited Company can be understood as closely held company. A private limited company iLiterary work- Copyright subsists in original literary works and relates to the expression of thought, but the expression need be original. 1. The work must not be copied from another work but must originate from the author.
2. Two authors independently producing an identical work will be entitled for copyright in their respective works.
3. The emphasis is more on the labour, skill judgment and capital expended in producing the work. It includes tables, compilations and computer programs.
Copyright protects original literary works. Any work by the author must be original at every level and not adapted or copied. Moving on, if two people have produced similar works in a particular field, the copyright will be given to both of them for their works. In recent times, when the internet is flooded with information and it is easier to access various works, the original works literary works are protected by the act. It is this act which discourages them from doing so and rewards the original work by protecting them at every level.

Dramatic Copyright- Dramatic work- Copyright subsists in original dramatic work and its adaptation. 1. It includes any piece or recitation, choreographic work 2. Entertainment in dumb show 3. The scenic arrangement or acting form of which is fixed in writing otherwise 4. But does not include a cinematograph film. On the other hand, dramatic copyright protects original dramatic work and in some cases its adaptations also. The act also endeavours to protect recitations, choreography and entertainment shows. However, it must be noted that cinematograph films do not come under the ambit of this act.
